Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

In which I admit I am the worst...

At blogging EVER.

I have a horrible attention span when it comes to well-intentioned projects.

What I really need are people who are willing to bug the hell out of me when I don't do the thing that I swore I would do religiously.

For example, now DH and I are no longer in Russia. We live in sunny Southern California now, and I'm weirded out by sunshine. It's my Northern upbringing, and my Scottish skin.

Looking for work, and makin' it through.

People, seriously. If there is anyone out there who reads my stuff, please bug me when I appear to be AWOL. Because that is EXACTLY what is happening.

Even better, tell me what works for you in keeping to a blogging schedule/goals.